One Time Federal Student Loan Debt Relief Application is Open!


The Application for the one time Federal Student Loan Debt Relief is open to Federal Student Loan Borrowers! Visit  to fill out the quick simple form today. You don't need your FSA ID log in. You will simply fill out your contact information, date of birth and social security number.

What Is Federal Student Loan Debt Relief?
It’s a program that provides eligible borrowers with full or partial discharge of loans up to $20,000 to Federal Pell Grant recipients and up to $10,000 to non-Pell Grant recipients.
Who Qualifies?
  • Individuals who made less than $125,000 in 2021 or 2020
  • Families that made less than $250,000 in 2021 or 2020
If you filed federal taxes, your income requirements are based on your adjusted gross income (AGI), which tends to be lower than your total income. Your AGI can be found on line 11 of the IRS Form 1040.
How It Works
Apply today (but no later than Dec. 31, 2023). We’ll determine your eligibility and will contact you if we need more information. Your loan servicer will notify you when your relief has been processed.

Do you need or want additional assistance with understanding and working out a plan to tackle your student loan debt? CCCS of Buffalo offers free student loan counseling. Call us today 716-712-2060 


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