NYS Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) is Now Available!

The NYS Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) is a federally funded program to help support homeowners who experienced financial hardship (loss of income or increased living expenses) as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  HAF assistance is customized to the applicant's individual situation and may involve free housing counseling, legal services, negotiations with a mortgage servicer, and possibly even financial assistance to cover past and future housing related payments, including water and sewage charges.

Applications are now being accepted for this $539 million fund for eligible homeowners at risk of default, foreclosure, or displacement.

Are you a homeowner who is:

  • Behind or in forbearance on your mortgage?
  • In default on a reverse mortgage?
  • Behind on your property taxes, water, or sewage bills?
  • Behind on monthly maintenance charges for your co-op or condo?
  • Behind on chattel loans, retail installment contracts, lot rent, and/or other types of home purchase loans?

You may be eligible for HAF assistance, and WE CAN HELP!  For more information about the fund, help in determining eligibility, and/or assistance in completing an application, call us at 716-712-2060.  We will schedule you for a telephone appointment with a knowledgeable, certified housing counselor to assess your situation and assist you in the process.

NYS HAF expects to receive significantly more applications than can be funded by the program, and applications will be processed in the order they were received - so don't wait, call us today!  (Note: Application submission does not guarantee that you will receive financial assistance.)


NYS HAF Frequently Asked Questions - https://www.nyhomeownerfund.org/faqs

NYS HAF Call Center, Monday-Saturday 7am to 8pm EST, with application support and translation in English and 10 additional languages - 1-844-776-9423

Start HAF Application - https://www.nyhomeownerfund.org/apply-now

Application Guide and Document Checklist - https://www.nyhomeownerfund.org/application-guide


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