Student Loans - The Next Debt Crisis?
The last recession was fueled, in part, by a mortgage crisis; economists warn that the U.S. may suffer a student loan crisis next. On a national level, graduates owe around $1.5 trillion in student loans — the largest source of household debt after housing — but it is at an individual level that the extent of the looming meltdown becomes clear. Analysis of recently-released data suggests that almost 40% of borrowers who entered college in 2004 may default on their student loans by 2023. Filing for bankruptcy is not an option, since “undue hardship” is the standard the borrower must meet despite the fact that the term has never been legally defined and can be liberally interpreted by a presiding judge. The CCCS Student Loan Counseling Program has been extremely successful, primarily due to the complexity of the student loan market. Many individuals with student loans feel overwhelmed with anxiety and fear as they try to navigate options available during repayment, w...