Consumer Credit Counseling Service & the Veterans One-stop Center to Hold Free Virtual Workshop for Veterans

Veteran Financial Health During the Pandemic-Special Workshop Just for Veterans Thursday May 14 th at 12:00 pm on Zoom Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) and the Veterans One-stop Center of WNY (VOC) urge local veterans to attend a free virtual workshop designed to address their specific financial needs on May 14th. Bank of America is sponsoring the workshop to promote economic mobility among vulnerable populations and has a long-standing commitment to veterans. Veterans and active service members frequently experience financial challenges that are unique to their status, making financial uncertainty an unfortunate part of life for them and their families. The pandemic has intensified the challenges veterans and current military members face, plunging financially insecure veterans into a more intense arena of uncertainty. CCCS and the VOC are providing the Workshop to answer questions and offer guidance, in addition to their ongoing financial counseling for veteran...